Examples Of Colorblind Racism

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Colorblind Racism and Unequal Opportunity in the American Education System The American education system is often criticized across the country for the poor performance of students compared to other nations. Often times, individuals fail to focus on the fact that within the education system there is a multitude of problems regarding race and ethnicity. These issues tend to be rooted in colorblind racism, which allows these problems to continue. The problems in the American education system are how colorblind racism affects the way teachers teach, the tendency of schools with a high percentage of black or Latino students to receive less money, the fact that black and Latino students consistently score lower on the SAT, and the disparity of …show more content…

Colorblind racism is the new coping mechanism that has replaced the overt racism that was intrinsic during the time of Jim Crow laws in America. The problem with colorblind racism is that it unintentionally turns out to be racist. The reason why it turns out to be racist is people become blind to issues where the marginalization of minority groups is blatantly apparent. For instance, even though there is an obvious issue in the prison system regarding the arrest rates of minority groups, people still deny that race is a factor. This leads to the continuation of the problem since it goes unaddressed. The concept of colorblind racism is apparent in many different U.S. institutions and the United States educational system is one of …show more content…

There are a lot of articles online that attest to problems in the educational system. Despite this, people are not fully aware that there is a problem. When people deny the facts that there is an apparent issue in America, it causes the problem to get worse. The problem will continue to progress to its worst possible point until someone finally speaks up about it. Citizens must be well-informed to have a complete understanding of how people are affected by the system. When citizens are informed then they will be more inclined to make sure the teachers are qualified. This will cause the schools to seek out qualified educators for their job positions. When schools need help with funding so they can pay these teachers, then they can take their problems to state legislators to make a case for why they need better funding. If the citizens and schools band together and speak up to state legislators, then funding can be directed properly so the schools can hire the proper staff to educate

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