Examples Of Civil Disobedience In Antigone

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Civil disobedience is a huge topic when talking about the play Antigone by Sophocles. In the play Antigone, the main character Antigone is a prime example of civil disobedience, which means to refuse to comply with certain laws or rules. Instead of abiding by the rules, Antigone took matters into her own hands. She buried her brother although she knew she would be stoned to death if she did so. Antigone stood her ground and stood up for what she believed in. When it came to Antigone’s brother she made sure he had the proper burial he deserved. Although burying her brother was against the rules she did what she thought was right and that is the prime example of civil disobedience in the play. In the world today there are rules that people have to follow just like in Antigone. There are certain times when civil disobedience is good and when it is bad. Standing up for what someone believes in just as Antigone did is great but it does have …show more content…

For Antigone, she did the right thing by standing up for what she believed in but standing up for what someone believes in today may not be so good. In today’s society, peaceful protest can turn violent. Although protesters may be peaceful it can turn bad quickly. There are rules in today's world for a reason so people cannot lash out as Antigone did. These rules keep the world from spinning out of control. In Antigone, the rule of her brother not have a proper burial was a rule for a reason. Without that rule, things could have turned out worse and things could have turned worse. What Antigone did may have been what she believed in but it came with a cost just like in today's society. If someone breaks the rules in today's society they suffer consequences such as jail time and sometimes even death. So standing up for what someone believes in is a great power but it can come at a great

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