Examples Of Chivalry In Don Quixote

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Chivalry can take up a couple of meanings. One might say that chivalry means honor, respect, or even authority. In Cervantes novel, a very well off hidalgo renames himself Don Quixote and imagines himself as being a noble knight in which he has read in many of his romantic novels before. Don Quixote goes out into the town with his squire Sancho Panza, and imagine every person and place as a time in one of his novels. In Part I of Don Quixote, Don Quixote sees the world in a different way from the rest of his peers and believes as though people still need saving; he believes that this is his job as a knight errant. Don Quixote believes in this code of chivalry where the readers have a chance to embark on this romantic chivalry parody.
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Since the world around him does not completely go according to his novels, he must imagine it in his head, this is why also others believe he has gone mad. Don Quixote is still at this inn, but in his eyes the inn is a castle. He wants to be knighted so that he can do the duties of a knight and help others. In many of the novels that Don Quixote has read, the knights are knighted in a chapel, but at this particular inn, the innkeeper tells him that the chapel has been burned down seeing that the innkeeper knows that he is not sane. The innkeeper asked him if he has any money, and Don Quixote replies that, “he has never read in histories of knights errant that had any of them had ever carried money” (Cervantes 37). The innkeeper tells him that it is only a small detail that most authors leave out and that he and his squire should always carry money. So in a large yard not in a castle with a beautiful princess, the innkeeper knights Don Quixote. Not quite as Don Quixote imagined it, but he stills feel proud to be ‘legally’ a knight. The readers can sense that Don Quixote follows the code of chivalry to his novels strictly and that he believes in all of it and further applies it to his everyday

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