Examples Of Brutus An Unorganized Fool In Julius Caesar

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Brutus: A strong leader or a unorganized fool? Power and leadership go hand and hand. In Julius Caesar written by William Shakespeare Brutus shows leadership qualities throughout his actions. Brutus is a well-respected public figure as well as a honest character. He valued logic and reasoning he is also adored by roman citizens and senators so we have to ask ourselves is brutus a strong leader or a unorganized fool? Brutus is the moral centre of the play, He is prudent idealist as well as loyal. Brutus is a good leader because he fights for what is right and has what's best for his country at the back of his mind throughout the entire play. “ I love thy name of honour more than I fear death” (1.2.85-89) reflects that Brutus is a honourable leader that does not care about the outcome if he knows what he's doing is right. A leader is nothing without the support of his citizens and Brutus seemed to be the most liked by the citizens out of all the senators. After Brutus and the conspirators kill Caesar he quickly addressed …show more content…

Brutus wanted the roman government to remain a republic and saw the threat Caesar opposed early on. When Cassius pulls Brutus into the conspiracy Brutus takes charge. The conspirators also wanted brutus to be the leader of the conspiracy because he has the nature strength of a leader and they knew this. When Brutus talks about killing Caesar he compares him to a serpent in his egg and says that he must be killed while he is still in his egg because when he hates he will be more dangerous. Brutus killed Caesar for the good of rome while the rest of the conspirators did it to be more powerful. Brutus tells the conspirators to “be sacrificers but not butchers” (2.1.174). By killing Caesar a starts a war with Antony, this makes Brutus lose everything including his wife Portia but this still does not stop him from continuing to fight Antony and his

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