Examples Of Breaking A Social Norm

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We live our lives following a set of steps and the majority of the time we do not even notice we doing such things. We have learn through society how to dress, how to eat, what to do and when to do it. The problem is that, when one these things are not the way they are supposed to be, we immediately noticed there is something wrong. We understand that the person is not doing what is “right” in other word, that person is breaking a social norm. For the purpose of this paper, the social norm I decided to break was wearing my clothes the right way. In order to break the norm, I decided to wear my clothes inside out. The idea to wear my clothes inside out came about as a result of one my roommates accidently wearing her gym clothes inside out in a couple of occasions when we went to the gym. At least twice my roommate wore her gym pants inside out …show more content…

While thinking about it one day, this incident with my roommate came to my mind and I thought it would be a good idea to wear my clothes inside out especially because I knew from this experience that it can caught peoples’ attention. Therefore, I decided to break this norm, wearing clothes the right way is a part of our culture. Wearing clothes in general is not something we question and definitely wearing clothes inside out is not an option. What outfit to put on is a commonly asked question for us but, for the most part everybody wears clothes. We do not ask ourselves which side we want to wear our clothes, it becomes second nature for us to wear clothes and to wear them the right way. Therefore, the main reason I decided to break this norm was because we just do things like in this case, wearing clothes on the right side without even thinking about it or questioning why we are doing it. On the other hand, when we accidently do such thing as wearing our clothes inside out, it seems to make a lot of people uncomfortable around

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