Examples Of Bias In The Criminal Justice System

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Is the justice system in America racially biased or not? No the justice system is not racially biased. Based on the past of our history as a country you might think that it still is. There is more than just race for someone to be arrested for something. No matter what the past is of our justice system is you have to look at the facts for today’s system According to “Is The criminal Justice System Racist” article it stated that whites are more likely to get convicted of a felony. Most people will stay that is not true. In 1994, the justice department looked at the country’s 75 largest urban areas. The department discovered that African Americans had a lower chance of prosecution for a felony. At the end of the research it was discovered that white people were convicted of a felony that African Americans. …show more content…

Most of the time it is African Americans who will be shot and killed but that's not always the case. When this does happen most people will blame the cop just because he or she are white. Most people don't think about why that person was shot they just blame it on people being racist. There is always a reason for someone being shot. Most of the time it is because a person does not do what the cop tells them to do. A good example would be when Trayvon Martin ran from the cop which ultimately lead to him being shot and killed. Before people start to blame the cop for shooting him for no reason, they need to know why the cop shot him. The reason is if people would do what cops tell them to do, they wouldn't be shot and

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