Examples Of Being Different In Catcher In The Rye

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Throughout life, the desire to feel accepted often causes people to form a herd mentality. By following the actions of everyone else, people feel more comfortable. Even though they may want to do something that no one else is doing, they may feel a bit fearful or nervous doing so. Being different can be difficult, because it takes courage. In Catcher in the Rye, Holden, a teenager at the time, spent some time on his own after being kicked out of Pency Prep. During his time alone, Holden often did not input his own thoughts into his decisions, rather he usually followed what others told him to do. Though, sometimes Holden showed some courage and did what he felt was right. These decisions often varied from being childish to being adult-like. …show more content…

For example, when such as when Stradlater went on a date with Jane, Holden starts to get worried. Holden, even though he does not admit it, has some feelings for Jane, who is his childhood friend. However, he does not want to see Jane for the fear that she may be different now compared to before. As Holden was questioning Stradlater on the details of his date, he "...pulled the peak of my hunting hat around to the front all of a sudden, for a change. I was getting sort of nervous, all of a sudden. I'm quite a nervous guy" (Salinger 19). When Holden pulls the peak of his hunting hat towards the front, Holden gets a sense of comfort. In this situation, Holden is using his hunting hat to calm his nerves and to protect himself from reality. Holden knows that Jane must have changed, but he does not want to believe it. He continues to live in the past, which he feels more comfortable doing. When places in difficult situations, adolescents do things that will make them more comfortable to relief some stress from the situations. By relieving some stress, it temporarily makes the situation seem a bit better. Teenagers typically relieve stress by listening to music or talking to people, yet in this case Holden uses his hunting hat. Another situation in which Holden uses his hunting cap for protection is when he was walking in Central Park in New York after going …show more content…

When Holden was leaving Pency Prep, "put my red hunting hat on, and turned the peak around to the back, the way I liked it, and then I yelled at the top of my goddam voice,'Sleep tight, ya morons!' I'll bet I woke up every bastard on the whole floor. Then I got the hell out" (Salinger 29). When Holden turned his hat backwards, he felt more confident. Holden has more of a shy and awkward personality. He typically does care about what others think of him. However, when he turned his hat backwards, he gains the confidence to be who he really is. As children transition into adults, they typically try to gain a sense of they really are. Sometimes, they will follow what the crowd does. Yet, other times they do what they want to do to be unique. For example, when Holden was on his date with Sally, he told her, "‘It's full of phonies, and all you do is study so that you can learn enough to be smart enough to be able to buy a goddam Cadillac some day, and you have to keep making believe you give a damn if the football team loses, and all you do is talk about girls and liquor and sex all day, and everybody sticks together in these dirty little goddam cliques'" (Salinger 70). Holden identifies a group of people and tries to not be like them which is why he is naming all the negative aspects of the people in Pency Prep. Holden does not

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