Examples Of Assimilation In Power Politics

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“America has always welcomed anyone willing to assimilate to its national character.” For those who gracefully fall into american society and globalization this quote by author Nancy Pearcey may seem unassuming and seemingly unambiguous. A true statement in fact for those looking to fully integrate into american society, cut ties with their own cultural delineations, and adopt western ideas. With that said for those looking to hold on to their cultures while in American society or simply live in their society and embrace their own culture it has not always been so easy nor has America been as welcoming. This struggle is both witnessed and described in the novel's Power Politics by internationally acclaimed author Arundhati Roy and The Joy Luck Club by the illustrious author Amy Tan. Although analyzing the topic from different directions and perspective a common theme can be seen being highlighted in both books. That being that American integration and assimilation is not always easy, wanted, or welcomed. …show more content…

This comes into play with the difficulties encountered by Indians and Muslims both in and out of America who are demonized and viewed as terrorist due to propaganda instated on whole societies and religions because of a mere few who decided to enact cruel crimes. For those who prefer their own cultural ways of living and those who refuse to meet western beauty and dress standards life both in and out of western society is made difficult. Not only are people often affected in everyday life due to contrived prejudice and stereotypes but some to the extent that their lives are endangered and their human needs are not able to be met and are at times being held from

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