Examples Of Andromache In The Iliad

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The Greek epic, Iliad written by Homer features descriptions of the events in the Trojan war. The Trojan war was conflict between the Greeks and the city of Troy which features the greatest warrior of Troy, Hector. Hector’s obligation to fight with his city and comrades interferes with his relationship with his wife. Although they love each other, their values and beliefs contrast. His wife, Andromache believes that family is more important than risking your life for honor. This situation between husband and wife illustrates the different way characters values are expressed throughout the epic. Although Homer portrays Hector and Andromache to be in love and have strong feelings for each other, they have contradicting values that causes tension between their relationship. For example, Andromache says, “Your Courage/ Is going to kill you, and you have no feeling left/ For your little boy or for me, the luckless women/ Who will soon be your widow,” (Iliad 427-30). She tries appealing to his emotions by stating the fact the when he dies, she will become a widow and their son will be an orphan. This is her attempt to try to get Hector to understand her …show more content…

He states that he must fight, “If I hung back from battle like a coward./ And my heart won’t let me. I have learned to be/ One of the best, to fight in Troy’s first ranks,/ Defending my father’s honor and my own.” (Iliad 466-69). Nonetheless he loves his wife and newborn son, his sense of obligation and duty is too much to overcome. Also, he explains that this is his fate, “And no man has ever escaped his fate, rich or poor,/ Coward or hero, once born in this world” (Iliad 513-14). He explains to Andromache that his destiny is to fight for Troy which will eventually kill him and he must face it. Although his love for Andromache is real, he beliefs about obligation to Troy and battling disagree with his wife’s

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