Examples Of Alliteration In Huckleberry Finn

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Alliteration - Having the same consonant sound in the beginning of two or more words.
Example: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Allusion - A reference to something or someone that is literary.
Example: “He lied so much to where I was surprised his nose wasn’t growing like Pinocchio’s”
Allegory - A story in which people, things, and actions represent an idea.
Example: The Mississippi River in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn represent freedom.
Attitude - Defines one’s feelings towards people, objects, events, or situations.
Example: “Everyday may not be good, but there is something good in everyday”- optimistic attitude
Audience - A group of people that are here to listen or listen to literary works.
Example: Younger children would often …show more content…

Connotation - The positive or negative association that the word carries.
Example: ‘Refreshing’ = positive ; ‘sad’ = negative
Denotation - The literal definition of a word.
Example: Warm = ‘nearly hot’
Dialect - A particular form a word that is used in a particular region or social group.
Example: Southerners pronounce pecans as ‘pee-KAHN’ compared to Northeasterners pronouncing pecans as ‘PEE-can’
Diction - A choice of words used in speech or writing.
Example: “This plan is pathetic” v. “This plan is suboptimal”
Flashback - A scene in text or animation that refers to an earlier time in the main story.
Example: A character remembering traumatic events in the past.

Foreshadow - A signal used to indicate a future event or situation in a story.
Example: “Life were better ending by their hate, Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love”
Hyperbole - An exaggerated statement that isn’t meant to be taken literally.
Example: I’m so hungry, I can eat a whale.
Irony - An expression that signifies the opposite. Irony is tend to have a humorous and sarcastic effect.
Example: “I can’t wait to read the seven hundred page

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