Examples Of A Eulogy For Macbeth

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The story of Macbeth is filled with ambition, fate, deception and treachery. Macbeth has been promoted to be the Thane of Cawdor and decides he wants Duncan dead so he can take his spot as King. This eulogy takes place after the slaying of treacherous Macbeth. I will be acting as Malcolm, his son. It is under tragic circumstances, that we are brought here today. Ladies and gentlemen, it is unfortunate that we are here to mourn the death of not just a great King, but a great friend, Duncan. He has changed the lives of many and we are gathered here today to embrace the greatness of King Duncan, whom will be dearly missed. Duncan was a kind and good man and an extremely trustworthy King of his fellow men. He trusted his men with his life, his children, his throne and most highly his kingdom. He had no other choice but to trust these men however this …show more content…

He was such a kind and generous soul that is to never be forgotten. We will be forever grateful that we got to see his friendly, smiling face each day. Scotland has lost a distinctive and peerless leader and those of us who knew him personally are now without a friend whose character will always be remembered. He leaves a legacy of love and integrity with his family and of those who knew him. He has left behind wonderful memories of a loving husband, father and King. Duncan was taken from our lives far too soon. He had a few enemies, some of which wanted his place in the throne. He was viciously murdered purely for his position as King. His death signified the start of destruction and continuous acts of murder throughout Scotland. His death was guided by three witches who manipulated an honest soldier to commit a horrifying crime. Macbeth further exceeded this with his desire for power and it pushed him and his wife over the edge committing the ultimate crime. Duncan was a good and honest man who didn’t deserve to be disgraced in such a

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