Example Of Symbolism In Hamlet

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Hamlet, the son of the late King, goes through a terrible loss losing his father. His uncle remarries the queen, short while Hamlet learns that the death of his father was murder by his uncle. Hamlet wants vengeance against Claudius and the elements symbolism climax and contrast are shown through it. Symbolism is used many times throughout the play and it brings out the revenge and hateful side of Hamlet many times again. It is first shown when the ghost of his father appears. The ghost is a mere image that Hamlet conjured in his mind, that’s why only Hamlet can see it and none else. The ghost symbolism revenge and hate, it came to Hamlet to tell him to get justice against the King of Denmark, Claudius. Hamlet hate sparks from his encounter with this ghost. The clothes Hamlet wears is another example of symbolism. He starts to wear black clothing after his encounter with the ghost, the black clothing symbolism sorrow, unhappy and the feeling to be left alone and not bothered. Hamlet starts to act not himself which was predictable because of his recent knowledge of the murder. …show more content…

It is shown early in the play when Hamlet creates a play and changes in a way that makes it similar to what Claudius. Hamlet wanted to se if the ghost was not lying, Claudius over reacts in the play which proves Hamlet’s hypothesis and fuels Hamlet’s already great hunger for revenge. It is shown again when Hamlet murdered Polonius thinking it was the King in front of his mother. Hamlet did not hesitate to stab the poor old Polonius and it proves that Hamlet hunger for revenge changed him into a heartless murderer. After the murder of Polonius, Hamlet flees which brings the play closer and closer to its final

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