Example Of Persuasive Speeches

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Hey future Shelbie, I hope you’re living a great life! Are you married? How many kids do you have? Are you still friends with Allie? Do you live in Florida? Did you ever meet Florida Georgia Line? Did scott and brooke-lynn ever move back to Iowa? How many concerts have you been to since Florida Georgia Line? In 2016 your were in 8th grade. The current president is Barack Obama but we are hearing a lot about the presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I hope Hillary Clinton is present because if Trump becomes president then almost all of my mexican friends will have to back to mexico, well if they are here illegally. Most of the things they talk about are negative toward each other, it’s sad. I don’t think they realize …show more content…

I hope that you are working somewhere doing something with animals, or helping people. I really hope that you are happy. I know that you will be reading this in about 6 years and life will be so different but what things do you miss from when you were 14? Hopefully you are still friends with Allie she is a really awesome person and we have had a lot of fun together. What is your favorite part of school? What is your favorite part about being 20 years old? I hope that just because you are grown up doesn’t meant that you don’t know how to have fun anymore. I hope that you and mom still laugh and joke around like you always have. I hope that you and mom still have girls days and go get your nails done together and go to lunch just to have some alone time and talk, I always love that. I hope that you and dad still take random drives just to spend time together and talk about random funny stuff or really serious important things. Or go shopping together because I will never tell him this but he really does have good taste in clothes! I hope that you still know that you can tell mom and dad anything no matter how hard it is or even how embarrassing something is. They always have been and always will be there for you. I know they are hard on you sometimes but it’s because they want us to be the best we can be. I hope that you get to spend more time with Scott and Brooke-Lynn. I really hope that you are just right where you want to be and happy with the way life is turning out for

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