Example Of Narrative Essay For College

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As a young adult, I’ve always been fascinated by Greek mythology, especially the idea of the three fates, which are beings that control the metaphorical thread of life of every mortal from birth to death. When I imagine how the thread of my life looks in the fates loom, I imagine a beautiful and rich tapestry of family, friends and achievements that weave together. But there is a flipside to my thread, if you turned the fabric of my life over, I imagine the design would be woven in the bleaks grays of doubt and fear. This doubt and fear stem from the many pressures I face: at the risk of sounding like a cliché, I am an immigrant. My family came to the US in 2000 seeking refugee status because of extreme antisemitism in the country I was born in, Uzbekistan. There is nothing greater than the pressure of being a child of immigrants. There’s is an expectancy among first-generation immigrants: they expect never to achieve the American dream. The best that …show more content…

I remember the day as it were only yesterday, it was just a normal day in my middle school. I remember feeling so confident that I would get in. All day I sneaked out of my classes to see if I could find out early from my guidance counselor if i got in. Not one of my attempts worked, so I waited until the end of the day when my class was gathered around my teacher as she gave acceptance letters out. I remember my heart was beating so fast. Some of my peers were in tears because they did not get the schools they wanted. and yet i thought, “why should i be worried, I got in”. As i got my acceptance letter, i ripped it open and i furiously started scanning the page for the words “Townsend Harris”. As the seconds ticked by, I felt tears starting to

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