Examining the Relationships Between Characters in To Kill a Mockingbird and Of Mice and Men

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Relationships are key to stories, the most interesting stories keep the reader guessing as to what is to happen further on in a relationship. In life relationships are key, that is why solitary confinement is the worst possible punishment to a human being. Every person has different views as to what a good relationship is, in this following essay I will try to put across my views.

In the book “ To Kill A Mockingbird” the relationship between the Finch children and their father comes under little conflict and therefore is an example of a consistent relationship whilst also being able to be classed as the very best a relationship can be. An example of the love that Scout shows to her father is, “I thought my father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was the bravest man who ever lived.” This is a pure example of the respect and pride that Scout and also Jem show to their father. This is a great relationship that only comes under the little conflicts, which the average family comes under. It is a very easy relationship that is also at its zenith.

However the relation ...

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