Evolution of Juliet's Character Throughout William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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Evolution of Juliet's Character Throughout William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

In our society Juliet would be far too young to marry because she is

only just 14 years old.

"Come lammas-eve at night shall she be fourteen."

(Lammas eve is 1st August, Lady Mass) so Juliet will be 14 on the 1st

of August.

She is so young, yet so soon to marry. As she is only 14 she cannot be

ready for marriage. Marriage is something that previously wasn't on

her mind

"Marriage is an honour I dream not of."

As soon as her mother mentions it to her she more or less dismisses

the idea by saying "I'll look to like, if looking liking move". Which

means: I'll look for someone, if they are looking for me. However she

sees Romeo and this seems to be in "love at first sight". She

immediately wants to see him again, but then kisses him. In those

times girls were supposed to be "chaste" which means they are pure and

virginal. Even kissing makes them impure so after she kisses him the

next and only logical step for her is marriage. Her parents agree to

her marrying however not to Romeo, who is the offspring of the

Capulet's enemy, the Montague's.

Romeo and Juliet fall in love with each other as soon as they meet

"O she doth teach the torches to burn bright" (Romeo about Juliet)

At first Juliet resists Romeo's advances "good pilgrim you do wrong

your hand too much" but it doesn't take long before she realises how

much she likes him and they kiss. As she is no longer chaste she is

almost forced to marry him or tell everyone what happened, which would

result in her being disowned by her family. This is the first step of

Juliet beginning to mature.

Romeo is head over heels in love with Juliet.

"It is my lady, O it is my love"

This is taken from a speech Romeo gives to Juliet. He compares her to

an angel "a winged messenger from heaven" he would even be baptised in

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