Evolution Of Farming In Canada

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Farming goes all the way back to 20 000 BC when it first started out as growing mainly wheat. Fast forward and it is 2018 and there are over 205 000 farms across the country of Canada. Over the course of many many years, Farming has developed incredibly. From supersize farms to GMO’s, farming in Canada is definitely not where it was years ago. In 1941, farm numbers peaked at over 730 000 in Canada. During the next 80 years, Canada’s farm numbers have decreased by 500 000. This goes to show that farms have gone down in numbers but have grown exponentially in size. Canada went from farms to factories in a matter of 50 years.
The largest acreage of farms is situated in the Prairie region of Western Canada. These farms are extensive crop farms …show more content…

Japan, China, the European Union and Mexico are major export markets for Canada’s farm products.” The Canadian farming process can be as broad as saying the farmer plants the crops then harvests and eventually sells but because of the size of Canadian exportation of farming it is complicated. For example, Canola is Canada's most lucrative crop a regular bushel of canola sells for between six to eleven dollars. Canola was first found in india over two thousand years ago but is now being growth throughout western Canada. Canola is first grown and put through a multitude of procedures based on the fact that because canola is Canada's most lucrative crop farmers want to get as much money for it as humanly possible. The farmers put their crops through tests at every level of growth first it is put through leaf development,stem elongation and eventually ripening. Once the crop has been grown and harvested the farmer then has to make a decision to sell their crop to processing which is for example is a local farmers mill and the farmer would sell his or her crop to the Farmer with the mill and or processer or the farmer could sell their chosen crop at a local farmers market. However …show more content…

Canadian have stuck with farming themselves for years and imports next to nothing from other countries. Canada exports most of its crops to other countries because of the main reason that Canadians farm to make money. Farming is what Canada was built on, farming in canada goes back the the first colonisation on Canada before it was called Canada. Early families that settled in Canada farmed to survive however over the years the family farm was passed down from each generation causing the family farm to turn into the modern day Corporate farms which export abroad. Canada’s farming is the number one reason that Canada’s trading network is one of the worlds best. Because of Canada’s low population the country is forced to sell to other countries which in return is a massive boost to the Canadian economy. However Canada needs to improve and adapt to meet the worlds

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