Evolution Of Dogs Essay

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Did you ever wonder where the cutest dogs come from? Well, I have.While many other pets abandon their owners and never come back, dogs are different. They are very sweet, loyal, and fuzzy friends that take care of us like we do with them. We usually shower them, exercise them, give them good care, and many other stuff that dogs love to do. They also take care of us in other ways too. When a dog sees danger they bark to keep us warned. They also love to lick our faces and be with us. This is their sign of love and affection towards us. These; are the things that thanks to dogs, we stay safe and receive love. While these dogs have these amazing skills, Where do these dogs come from? It is believed that dogs do come from ancient wolves. …show more content…

There are many theories and facts about this question. "Hundreds of thousands of years ago, humans regarded wolves as threats." This sentence explains their fear of wolves. Wolves back then were known as fierce animals that could attack people and animals. These creatures would gobble up their food and not have any mercy for anyone. Scientist believe that over the years, wolves would be thankful that the humans would give them food. This made some kind of connection between these two. Ever since then these wolves have evolved and became into these radiant pet that we love to spoil.I mean just imagine, how can a wolf really evolve into a dog? It's crazy but they have really evolve into these great pets. That is really amazing.

How have dogs a become part of the family? Well, many years ago, dogs were used to chase fox away and clear up restaurant kitchens of rats. Dogs weren't allowed indoors because they had a lot of fleas and other sickness. At that time, there wasn't enough money to get them good stuff that can take the fleas away. In the 1800's, that changed. People were getting wealthier, and they were able to afford new powerful soaps that would clean fleas and other stuff the dogs had. People started to let the dogs come into their home, and slowly they became very sweet loving pets that we love to

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