Evil In Lord Of The Flies Research Paper

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Evil holds a great amount of power, that many people are oblivious to. Evil holds the ability to shape and influence many people because of the destruction, chaos and ugliness it brings out of humans. In, Lord of The Flies, William Golding tells the childhood story of Coral Island, but in dystopian view as the boys struggle to keep civilization and structure alive on the island. Through savagery and fear, Golding shows human nature is exclusively evil as humans are easily lured by the evil within and around them.
Fear harbors future outbreaks of evil tendencies within the boys. Fear is seen used as a tactic to gain authority and justify violence. Jack uses fear to manipulate the boys into following him instead of Ralph through the beast. Jack enforces the existence of the beast by stating “"I expect the beast disguised himself. Perhaps we'd better keep on the right side of him, anyhow. You can't tell what he might do. The tribe considered this; and then were shaken, as if by a flow of wind. The chief saw the effect of his words and stood abruptly.” (142-143.Golding) Jack purposely exerts fear into the boy’s mind by giving the beast supernatural abilities, shapeshifting. Jack uses the pathos as a method of persuasion because he …show more content…

Indeed, it is certain that without the restriction of civilization, humans are bound to fall back to their original state of evil. Similar to William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth exchanges his morality and humanity for power and wealth, exerting his own will by committing multiple acts of murder and betrayal. Humans are vulnerable to the evils which surround them, likely leading them to give in, and disdain individuals from conduct, civilization, and law and order. Under these condition individuals are unable to successfully govern oneself and others, thus resulting in an uprising of pure evil to

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