Evil And Evil In Society

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years and years the world has been blinded by the evils in society. There are three main matters that shade us from the truth every day. These are corruption/greed, media takeover, and ignorance.
Corruption is one of the worst evils to enter society; it has seemed to become a type of faith on its own. The way it is evil is that corruption has blinded society by the way we think and act, it allows people in society to think that doing evil things is an ok thing to do. The reason corruption has changed the way society thinks is, when we hear that it has not only led to the breaking of the managerial system and weak authority, but also some serious causes like poverty. Which, has led to the society’s disability to think and act freely, allowing for evil to take over. Although, the evil is not done face to face, it is more of a silent evil that involves money and destruction, done by the wealthy to profit off of the poor. It has changed all of our values and has destroyed the reminince of our morality. With weak authority anyone can get away with what they do. Humans are fill with temptation and the hottest commodity right now is cash, the politicians and police taking bribes to let people do the evils they commit. This happens every day, behind the walls. Hence, Corruption is considered one of the biggest factors holding back our society and it is how easy for anyone with a little money or fame is able to get away with breaking the law, while regular citizen’s right are taken away from them every day in these police states and are thrown into these mega jails to become over worked, under paid, sweatshop labourers.

It is truly sad that the corrupt preach their false values onto society and then turn around and defy what they say by...

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...obal society, is being held down, it is safe to say that the corruption is allowing for “leaders” of the world to sell the citizens to the wealthy for their own profit. The way the media is controlled by the rich allows them to force the notion that the world is in a state that they want the public to believe, when in reality wars are being held over who controls the fossil fuels, they control the who people should act, what they wear, and what they look like. Another way that society is plagued by evil is the blind pride that that society has of its country, when in fact they have no realization of what is really going on. In the past evil was something that was thought to be the devils work, in today’s society that thought has been put on the back burners, so to speak. b Evil in today’s society is hidden by having money, but is still very prevalent, just hidden beh

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