Everything Dali Paints Symbolizes Something Else

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Dali’s Vision
The painting “Dream Caused By The Flight Of A Bee Around A Pomegranate A Second Before Awakening” was painted by Dali in 1944. The painting is an oil on canvas painting with a dimension of 51cm x 40.5 cm. Salvador Dali was a prominent Spanish surrealist painter born in Spain. In his masterpiece he uses many different lines and colors to enhance what is going on in the painting. He illustrates a fruit, a fish, tigers, a rifle and a woman wearing no clothes sleeping. With every single object and or living thing shown he is making a statement and everything in the painting itself symbolizes something in the world. Dali’s “Caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate a second before awakening” depicts vulnerability and the inability that humans have while they are asleep and dreaming.
The paintings imagery is the bare naked body of a woman who is unconscious and around her are creatures who seem to be coming towards her in an aggressive manner. The ongoing subject in the work of art is humans in another state of mind, this being the dream state. The painting itself has many attributes that make it interesting, the pomegranate has what appears to be a fish coming out of it, From the mouth of the fish emerge two tigers and a gun.
In he setting of the work of art it shows an elephant with incredibly long legs walking away taking no part in what’s happening with the other animals. Looking at the painting very closely you can also see what appears as a mini island and what seems to be a faded moon above the elephant. The painting does not show much expression, but with the tigers you can see aggression somewhat of a hatred towards the woman or humanity. The woman herself has only a blank expression of a peacefu...

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...ility and the inability that humans have while they are asleep and dreaming. With every single object and or living thing shown he is making a statement and everything in the painting itself symbolizes something in the world. The portrait is a very unique and maybe one of the hardest pieces to interpret. The observer has to look at every little detail in the painting whether it be the lines, the colors that are used or the expressions that are being presented.
The painting has an ongoing subject of hostility and peace which makes the viewer wonder. But then as you keep viewing and analyzing you can see that everything goes with what is happening and it shows how the pomegranate originated the violent nature of the painting while the woman is just sleeping hovering over the bedrock unaware of what is happening and unable to protect herself from the oncoming danger.

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