Everything Bad Is Good For You Analysis

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Our time is dominated by graphic entertainments such as television, video games, the internet, and more. Many people today are disgusted by today’s popular culture and generally have a negative attitude about it. People today believe it is making us much dumber. They discredit it for what it is actually does according to Steven Johnson in his book Everything Bad Is Good For You. He proposes a total opposite point of view and that we underrate modern pictoric entertainment and media. The main premise of the book Everything Bad Is Good For You is that today’s pop culture is actually making us smarter and has grown more complex and intellectually challenging over the past few years. Steve Johnson proves this argument by discussing how video games aren’t as bad as they seem, television is much more complex than you think and making us smarter, and he tells how the internet helps us interpret our current world and that these three sources of media are increasing our average IQ. Steve …show more content…

Sometimes they keep information hidden for the viewer therefore making the viewer use his head to have to fill in the blanks. These types of shows and movies are complex and make it so you have to pay attention or else it won’t make sense. These narratives are only getting more convoluted and mentally challenging. As a result, this form of media is making humans smarter every

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