Everyone Should Go To College Essay

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Everyone should go to college regardless of status or financial problems. College is a great opportunity for new challenges and activities that will help an individual grow and develop interests and important life skills, which will result in a newly found independence and teamwork skills. Skills that college help students earn, and skills that everyone truly need to success in any type of career or job. College also gives students access to greater knowledge and creativity; therefore, allowing students to be exposed to different careers that they previously were not aware of and would like to pursue. By given more career options, students would be more likely to pick a career they truly enjoy with the plus of getting paid more due to having a college degree. As a newly member of a greater society, college gives students everything they need at the moment-- greater variety of career options, important life skills, and …show more content…

There are many high schoolers and high school graduates that have no idea what they want to do in their lives. College helps with this problem by having colleges, such as Liberal Art colleges that offer students classes of many different careers until they pick a major they truly want. According to Michael Roth, “Post secondary education help students to discover what they love to do, to get better at it, and to develop the ability to continue learning so they become agents of change.” Colleges similar to Liberal Arts college allow students to grow into many different careers, until they know exactly what they want to do. By allowing students to grow and take different classes, students are no longer forced to choose a career they truly do not like. As students pick careers they enjoy, they will no longer feel pressured to give up their interests or quality of life just to please society by picking out of a few

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