Everyone Should Get A Trophy

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Have you ever gotten a trophy for participations? Society has seemed to moved towards the everyone wins type of approach on trophies. The reason some believe that everyone should get a trophy is because they say that competition at a young age can be dangerous. While on the other hand people say that it teaches them many lessons. This topic has got many people riled up on this debate if everyone should get a trophy or if only a few should. Only the winners should get trophies. This is because it teaches kids about losing. It also gives kids a motive to do well and work hard.

The first major reason why we should be giving trophies to only the winners is it teaches kids about losing. Not every time in everything can you win which is a life lesson kids will learn through this method of trophy giving. It also teaches them that losing is ok and that you just have to pick yourself back up again and try again. Po Bronson is the co-author of “Top Dog: The science of Winning and Losing” and addresses that in school competition it is ok to lose because students going through the process of losing will make them learn that it's not that big a deal if they lose. Further elaborating on this, the skill …show more content…

Some schools will give out the title valedictorian to the best of students; this can be seen as a motive to make kids want to do better in academics to reach that title. From the article “Participation trophies send a dangerous message” by Betty Berandan, she states “they do not mean much to me because I know that identical awards sit in other children’s room all over town and probably millions of other homes across the country.” after talking about receiving awards as a young child. This proves that kids who aren’t winners but get participation trophies know that the amount of effort you put in doesn’t matter because everyone will get the same trophy in the

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