Everyone Leaves Analysis

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Everyone Leaves Essay Ever wondered why people leave for many reasons and some stay? One of the reasons would be escaping the negative environment that the person or people have experienced in their past life, a reason for staying would be the fact that the environment they grew up throughout their lives is a mentality to them, or a family emergency. Based on the book called Everyone Leaves, the theme tells the readers that people do have a choice but to leave because, the only options they have are to suffer the consequences and live through the mentality for the rest of their lives, or leave to escape the negative atmosphere to find peace again and to pursue a new life. But, situations where someone is being forced to leave, then the person …show more content…

In Cuba, anyone who dares to leave their country would be beaten up by demonstrators. In this story, Nieve’s mother ensures her daughter’s safety to not attend the rally in Vedado, Cuba since violent demonstrations are occurring the streets. According to the book: Everyone Leaves, Guerra writes, “My mom was forbidden me from attending the “acts of repudiation,” the demonstrations they hold when someone’s leaving the country. I have seen them walk around Vedado” (P. 104). The importance of this quote tells the readers that the Cubans are to take action against their own people of whom are leaving the country and labeling them as traitors. When Nieve’s mother mentioned about, the “acts of repudiation,” it means: when someone rejects the proposal or idea, of which the group of individual people that opposes the strict laws in Cuba denies the government and the beliefs of the communist ideology. Nieve witnessed the violence that was occurring in the streets of Vedado, which intentionally, the Cuban people show no mercy to any cowards fleeing their country. According to the book: Everyone Leaves, Nieve write, “Sometimes they even drag the people who are leaving on the ground. It terrifies me to think that someone we know might want to leave” (P. 104). Based upon the quote above, Nieve talks about the violence that occurred from where she was heading to school in Vedado where demonstrators humiliate their own people for leaving, or vandalize the Cuban exiles’ homes indicating that they are leaving the country. The quote relates to the argument because in Cuba, the people (except the foreigners) are to leave the island in any embassies, which gives Castro

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