Everyone Is Born Different?

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Everybody is born different. But mainly we have two types of people. Intelligent people, planning their life or an idea of what they want to do with theirs lives. Such as going to college and becoming someone in life. On the other hand, we have people that take life as it comes, without a plan or nothing. Well, I’m one of the types of people that likes to dream really big. Having in mind that success will come with an education. It 's tough and challenging but not hard enough to give up. Thoughtout my first years it was difficult because i didn 't speak english. Being a shy kid was probably more harder. I went to Juan Seguin Elementary School, were i think i learn a lot. Had great teachers and where i felt smarter. Getting commended in math and science both years i was there. Hartman Middle School was next, i had pretty good times and adventures. Academically i did really good, especially on math. Which has been my strongest subject. That helped me catch the principal 's attention and wanted me to move to the magnet program. Which i felt special for such an offer. But at the end i d...

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