Everyday Use By Alice Walker Essay

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Did you know that in England it is considered flipping someone off if you do the peace sign backwards. People in England view the peace side differently than the people in America because culture taught them to. Culture has a monumental impact of how people view the world. People view culture differently in many countries but they all have the same intense impact on how they view the world. “ ‘It’s really a new day for us. But the way you and Mama still live, you’d never know it.’.” This quote from the short story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker shows that sense Dee has moved away from her Mama and Maggie her culture has changed and she is viewing the world in a more modern way, but all this time that Mama and Maggie have been living in the house in the back country they love the way they live because they view the world as if they have everything and are living in a world of peace. My buddy Tre once said to me “You know Tannar you should come to a poetry reading that my family goes to on saturdays.” I told him that every saturday I have soccer games, he looked at me and said “I don't get sports i think they are a waste of time and effort, I was never a fan of sports.” Sports play a big role in culture and how you view the world, Tre’s family has never played sports so …show more content…

They believe money has the most impact on how people view the world because if you have a lot of money then you have no problems, and the government and businesses are all ran off of the currency of money. These people that believe money has the largest impact on how people view culture are wrong because if you have love and family you don't need to worry about. ¨ ‘I can ´member Grandma Dee without the quilts.´¨ This quote shows that Maggie's culture is used not by artifacts but by the memories that were made by her

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