Everyday Use By Alice Walker Comparative Essay

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There is nothing like a huge gap in families, they show how cultures and people have changed over time. The characters of the story Mama, Dee and Maggie are widely different. The author of “Everyday Use” Alice Walker shows this. The differences and the 3 different personalities in each character are shown. The generation gap between Mama, Maggie and Dee is very noticeable. Mama feels that she has to be where she is and stay there. She has been doing things the same since the beginning of her time. Dee is very different from both her sister and mother. She is ambitious and believes that you can do anything and venture out. You can go to college and be successful. Dee is open to figuring out who she is and not keeping herself in box. She’s slightly careless about things that her mother and sister care about but not in a disrespectful manner. Mama is still stuck in the old ways of the world she grew up in. She seems to be loving and caring mother but not much of a supporting one. Mama is also very judgmental and not accepting. Though it may not be in a harmful way it is still there! She’s a hard worker, prideful and very tough. Which are all great traits in a woman …show more content…

She seems to not have any interest in getting out into the world and see what it has to offer. Maggie’s insecurities about her burns from the house fire at a young age could cause low self-esteem and be reason to why she’s not interested in getting out into the world. Mama is so overprotective of her she shelters and suffocates Maggie. It isn’t for harm but it may be because Mama knows how the world will view her because of her burns. She doesn’t seem to be a huge fan of her sister Dee which is shown when Mama forced her to be outside when she arrived. It isn’t intimidation like Mama but it may be out of jealousy. Maggie feels like Dee had a better life because she had a better education, didn’t get burned by the fire and was able to go to

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