Euthanasia In Brave New World

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The famous dystopian novel, Brave New World by well recognized author Aldous Huxley is a very accurate description of society today. This novel was banned in many Countries, including Ireland and Australia in 1932 for good reason. This novel has many debatable motifs, one of the most underlying motifs is the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma, or euthanasia. In this dystopian novel, Aldous Huxley creates a world called the World State.In the World State, people use Euthanasia for anyone who is no longer useful to the society. At 60 years old, people are no longer of use to society. In Brave New World, everyone undergoes “mental euthanasia,” because they are constantly fed …show more content…

Suicide is legal in most parts of the United States. Since Suicide has been made legal, there have been more suicides than homicides everyday. Suicide and Euthanasia and totally different and should not be compared with each other. Suicide is the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally. Euthanasia is not a private act. It is one human being doing something that directly kills another. This is why most physicians want administer it, because it leaves them with a heavy heart, knowing they just ended a person's …show more content…

This cancer impeded and destroys the production of vital parts of the blood supply. They went to the doctor and filed for Euthanasia, which she was granted. Their children were outside the bedroom where Matilde was prepared to die. T the nurse Mathilde said, “I am ready” and to her husband, “I am not afraid.” Mathilde was fully conscious. Mathilde died in a couple of minutes as the physician injected her. Her husband felt a ton of emotions at the same time. Interestingly, leading up to the day of her death and how sick she was, Mathilde was very preoccupied and hadn't had time for her husband leading up the the big day. There was not a last long look of love as she was being prepared. Her sub and felt nothing but grief in the weeks leading up to his wife's death. He remembered reading an article about a British Author who had lost his wife the same way, The author had said that in death his wife had “regained the radiance of her youth.” The man went up to look at his wife and he nted that she didn't look any younger than she was when she died. The coroner came and took Mathilde away. The man felt grief but he knew his wife's wishes had been

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