European Farming In Jamestown

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Conclusion: Jenna Geaney, Samantha Nilsen, and Marissa Schrade Farming was originally invented in 9,000 BC. However, it was finally brought to America in the 1600s. It was first brought to America in Jamestown, which was the first American colony. However, prior to Jamestown there were many Native American tribes who farmed. When Jamestown was created, european farming was involved. Since then, farming has really evolved, which is why we accepted our claim. Farming has grown tremendously, in a positive way, which you will see in the information and paragraphs that follow this. Since farming was invented, many new types of machinery have been created to replace hand tools and physical labor. For example, tractors have …show more content…

Farmers make more money, cost of crops and production has increased, less work for farmers, and more food for consumers. This leads to the point that over the years farming has improved the American economy. The more crops produced from commercial farming, the more money is made. Commercial farming has changed the quality and quantity of crops for the better. For example, since GMO apples were invented, there has been less waste because they do not brown or bruise. “About 45% of fruits and vegetables grown are through away according to the United Nations.” Also, GMO potatoes are less likely to have brown, black spots or bruises. In addition, the output of farmers is going up. Farmers in 1947 put out $38,000 for crops, and farmers in 2009 put out $138,000. The price has increased because more crops were grown. The prices are still increasing today! It's astonishing that in 62 years, farmers put out $100,000 more. All of this, is thanks to GMOs and commercial farming. It shows how far farming has come, and how far farming is going to go. This proves that farming is vital for our survival, and gives us the tools for a healthy …show more content…

The current version of today’s farming has supported and improved the economy of the US. Farming has not failed our country yet. One milestone of farming has been the evolution of machinery. Since farming was invented, new inventions and tools have been modified. One of the biggest milestones for farming is commercial farming. Commercial farming has provided more. Commercial farming has resulted in more crops being produced. Crops are being listed for higher prices. For example, one bushel of corn in 1954 was only about $1.50, and by 2014 the price rose all the way to almost $8! Crops cost more than ever before because they are better quality. Another milestone for farming has been a farmer’s income. Crops are being sold for more, which has resulted in farmers being paid more. In 1866 farmers were paid only $26.87 each month. Then, in 1920 their income increased to $64.95. Finally, today in the 2000’s the average income per year for a farmer is $41,555. New machinery is starting to replace the need for farmers. But all together, commercial farming still changes the way farmers are paid for their hard work, and improves the quality of food for

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