Eudora Welty's A Worn Path

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Every author creates their story to have a dynamic structure and sequence of events to make their story more appealing to their target audience. For instance, Eudora Welty created “A Worn Path”, which is a short story that followed the path of Phoenix Jackson on her journey to acquire medicine for her ill grandson. The story was set up and organized to cause the reader to constantly think about the specific details of the journey and why the grandmother embarked on the path to the city. In this way, the author has room to create a lot of intricate scenes to further describe the characters to the reader. This short story creates scenes that test the validity of Jackson’s journey and her overall strive to successfully complete her objective. …show more content…

For instance, Welty describes Jackson's hair by saying, "Under the rag her hair came down on her necklace in the frailest of ringlets, still black, and with an odor like copper." In addition, by Welty portraying Jackson as an older woman, it allowed me to further understand the obstacles that she had to endure due to her age and physical impediments. Furthermore, due to her poor eye vision and inability to read, it caused for her to think with her heart and mind by going based off of her knowledge of the past trips to the medical clinic. Despite all of these disabilities, her love and determination to receive the medicine for her grandson helped her overcome obstacles such as: a barbed wire fence, thorn bushes, unstable log bridges, and threats from people along the way. Jackson also decided to buy her grandson a windmill with a nickel she stole and a nickel she received as a form of charity to bring her grandson joy through the

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