Ethiopia Research Paper

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A land of 13 months of sunshine For many people around the world, mentioning Ethiopia brings to mind the 1984 famine, which was a significant famine in the history of Ethiopia. Which is estimated to have killed over one million people. The specter of the disaster haunts the country’s international image. It is true that Ethiopia has its share of natural and man made problems and it is equally true that Ethiopia is also blessed with many unique natural, cultural, and historical wonders. Of all African countries, Ethiopia has indigenous cultures that are not affected by modern civilization and yet are rich with traditions and values of life three thousands of years old. From the rich story to the rich culture, Ethiopia is truly beyond argument …show more content…

Ethiopia has a special status from a religious perspective that makes the country unique amongst African countries. Christianity arrived here in the 4th century and Ethiopian connection with Islam goes as far back as the 7th century. Unlike most African countries, Christians, and Muslims lived side by side harmoniously. This is the result of historical and cultural heritages that bind both sets of believers together without destroying their distinctive characteristics. The country is one of the few nations in the world that can claim singular ownership of its alphabet, this makes the country the only African countries with it’s own script and notation system. The country has many unique and spectacular things to offer to the world. All in all, the uniqueness of Ethiopia are wrapped up in five facts. These facts represent the country differently from the rest of the world. The origin of the earliest human ancestors, 3000 years of Independence, 13 months of sunshine, the birthplace of coffee and owner of architectures of the early civilizations are the facts which make this land unique in the world, especially in Africa which has been the victims of the largest …show more content…

First, and perhaps most significant, is that Ethiopia was home to the earliest known human ancestors. Human history goes back longer in Ethiopia than anywhere in the world. Ethiopia is pretty much the place where all of humankind began. The East African Rift valley known as the “Cradle of Humankind” is where the skeleton called Lucy was discovered. ‘Lucy’ or as Ethiopian descendent prefers to call her ‘Dinknesh’ literally means, “You are wonderful”. She got this nickname after the Beatles song “Lucy in the sky Diamonds,” which was playing on a tape recorder as scientists celebrated the discovery of her skeleton [1]. She was the most complete and oldest adult human ancestor retrieved from Ethiopian soil. She was a great discovery. Lucy gave the world a glimpse of what older ancestors would look like. The discovery of her skeleton has completed the missing link between apes and men that paved the way for searching for our origins. “ When we get down to the basic of human origins, there’s no more important piece than the oldest complete human, or human ancestor remains, than Lucy.”[1] She broadcasts loud and clear that we all united by our past, we all have a common history though we may be vastly different, our origins all lead backs to the crucible human evolution that is Ethiopia. Therefore, Being the origin of mankind makes the country unique from the rest of the world because it’s the home of our common very

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