Ethics Essay: Is Animal Hunting Permissible?

1358 Words3 Pages

Krizza Danan
Prof. Sequiera
December 19, 2014

Krizza Danan
Prof. Sequiera
December 19, 2014
Animal Hunting Ever since the beginning of time we as humans have always been hunters. We hunted specifically for food and clothing in order to survive. This is not a new trend or ritual. It has always been a part of our every day life. But as times have changed and we have come to live in a more modern society, and with that many people's views and beliefs on animal hunting has changed. But in any type of debate or topic such as this, “Is animal hunting permissible?” There will always be two side and there are people who believe that it is okay to hunt, and then there are others who are opposed to …show more content…

As humans it's also our duty to look at our living environment. Maintain its natural order so humans can live in a well brought up environment. Hunting is also necessary so humans can effectively manage animals. For example deer are overpopulated in some areas which causes them to have to have to fight for food supply among each other, along with that there's a high risk of deer and car collision endangering both animal and humans. In the state of New Jersey there's great a chance of this happening 1 in 100. Natural Law theory would believe that it would be reasonable to hunt and kills animals rather than having humans be in any type of endangerment. If it means hunting animals to decrease the amount then its justified, because the intentions are purely to save lives of our own species and it's our duty to fulfill that role. Although there are other views that will disapprove of the Natural Law Theory and that would be the Utilitarianism Theory. In order to get a better understanding, what is Utilitarianism? Utilitarianism is considered to be one of the most influential theories in history. Founded by Jeremy Bentham philosopher and economist John Stuart Mill. Utilitarianism soon became a powerful a powerful instrumental reform including advocating animal rights. They would be opposed to animal

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