Ethics And Ethics: The Importance Of Ethics

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The word Rede has been replaced with the word Ethics which is a set of moral principles that govern a person 's or a group 's behaviour. Ethics has been studied throughout history by the likes of Socrates in Athens, 469-399 B.C, Plato in 427-347 B.C, Aristotle in 384-322, Stagira, Thrace, Hobbes 1588-1679, Immanuel Kant 1724-1804, and many others. Ethics and morals are the way we grade or selfs and others if we are living as a good person or not. We develop our ethics though out of our life from friends, family, religions, where we live,and out own personal beliefs. Our ethics have a huge impact in our day to day life from how we interact with people, all the way down to what we eat or wear. As Wiccans Ethics also have a huge impact on what …show more content…

So what is Ethics? Ethics are two things. First, ethics is the knowledge of what is right and wrong that govern what us as humans should do, in things like of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or virtues. Ethics, for example, refers to things such as the obligations to not to rape someone, no stealing stuff, or killing, assault, slander, and fraud. Ethical standards also include such things as virtues such as honesty, compassion, and loyalty. And, also ethical standards include things relating to rights, such as the right to life, and the right to privacy. Second of all ethics also refers development of one 's ethical standards. things like, feelings, laws, and social norms can all make up what someone 's ethics …show more content…

While I do not know how true that is I cloud to see how that might be so as my personal ethics make up everything I do from how I dress to what I eat. In everyday lie our ethics guide us through normal choices like whether or not to help you, mom or sister, to giving that homeless guy on the street with sign money. It also guides us through the harder questions we will face, is eating animals right or wrong, what about actions, or the death penalty, They will also tell us how to act we would see injustice gong on, do you help that Islamic woman that is being made fun o or her choice of dress, do help that man asking or derision or that child that says he is lost. all o these are ethical questions. And what about times where you might rethink or budge a bit o your beliefs, say your ethics tell you not to lie, bu you 14 teen-year-old drought just got a new hair that is awful do you tell her that or do you hold your tong, and let her be herself. All o this s how ethics a fact of every

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