How Has Ethical Judgments Limit The Production Of Knowledge?

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What is right and what is wrong is a question that has had a profound impact on the production of knowledge. Ethics differ from culture to culture, from era to era. Ethics often can stand in the way of the production of knowledge or be the reason that the knowledge was created in the first place. Ethical judgments limit the production of knowledge in the natural science; however, the arts are not limited in their production of knowledge by ethical judgments. In the natural sciences, ethics affects the methods that are available for the production of knowledge. This raises the question of should ethical judgment stop the use of certain methodologies that are deemed unethical? The first example of this happening is the use of humans as test …show more content…

In the arts can knowledge be produced at any time about anything? One example of knowledge being produced is Uncle Tom’s Cabin. This was a book published in 1852 about the struggles of black people as slaves in the south (Stowe). This book met fervent opposition, especially in the south. It went against the ethical system by opting to offer the truth of matters in the South, and eventually helped to spark the American Civil War. The book created knowledge that society needed in order to right the society’s quickly sinking ethical ship. Some people may argue that the book’s lack of popularity means that it did not create knowledge until later when it became more popular. However, this is not true as the book did have some popularity and therefore passed on some knowledge. Additionally, the production of knowledge and the acceptance of knowledge are two separate beasts. Merely by conceiving the idea of the book knowledge was created. Passing on of knowledge does not affect the creation of the knowledge. Much knowledge is created that is never passed outside of one’s own head, but knowledge is still created. Furthermore, the art of music is often designed to spark change in society’s ethics instead of confirm them. A great example of this would be the band the Flobots. This band creates music to inspire, to rebel, and to make people think. They seek to change the ethical …show more content…

In the natural sciences it is a good thing that the ethical judgments stop the use of certain methodologies as they are inherently flawed and cause far too much bad for the little knowledge they produce. In the arts, knowledge is constantly being produced, and the only limitation on what knowledge can be produced is what knowledge the artist has to pass on. The implications for this are that by having an ethical system, humans limit the total amount of knowledge that can be produced, but this is better than the alternative of an unethical society. The only limit on what is possible to learn or to create knowledge about is the human’s ability to imagine. The greater the imagination, the greater the knowledge that will be produced by artist with no attention paid to the ethical judgment of society as many arts are designed to critique a problem with society’s ethics. Ultimately, ethics are limiting, but needed for the sanctity of society at

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