Ethical Practices Used In The Criminal Justice System

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In this research, the researcher will discuss a pattern or a practice that was used in the past by the criminal justice system and considered ethical, but not so by today’s standards. The researcher will explain what change resulted in a societal acceptance of a higher ethical standard making sure to apply an ethical theory. An existing criminal justice practice that is unethical and should become a thing of the past will be presented and supported with evidence methodology for considering the shift.

Political Activities and Law Enforcement

Law enforcement officers are quickly to be stereotyped by society whether they are wearing their uniform or not. Basically, they don’t have a normal life compared to civilians who don’t wear that uniform. Law enforcement officers are held to a higher standard even when it comes to politics. These officers are expected to abide by a strict guideline of rules in regards to political campaigning. However, if these agency’s ethical principles are broken by law enforcement officers, disciplinary actions are taken against these officers.

The Criminal Justice System is considered to very political. This system includes officers that have to be elected by civilians. In the past, there have been so many unethical acts committed by law enforcement officers. …show more content…

They aren’t allowed to host a political fundraiser, hold a political party, run for office, or work to register voters for the running candidate. There is no harm for an officer campaigning. Police officers are just like other civilians. Society has given these officers this title and expectations. Yes, police officers should abide by a code of ethics. However, an officer not being able to participate in elections is going to cause unwanted problems within the department that may lead to bigger problems such as

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