Ethical Issues Of Illegal Immigration

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Call them illegal immigrants, undocumented immigrants, or anything else, there’s no denying the contention behind the issues of illegal immigration. I say issues because many different proposals have been presented as to how to deal with the problem. One such suggestion is to grant citizenship to illegal immigrants. And while to some this may seem like the legitimization of a practice that is illegal for a reason, illegal immigration is not going away, and an documented citizen is far better for society than one with no legal paper trail.
What’s important to understand is why illegal immigrants are harmful to the country as a whole. It’s not that we are struggling with an overpopulation problem and need to limit the number of people entering …show more content…

They lack the promise of legal protection as well as many government benefits, because if they get involved with the law or the government they risk deportation. Because of this, illegal immigrants are subject to unethical employment practices. In addition to the human rights issue of having employers treat human beings in ways our legislative and judicial systems have deemed as human rights violations, they are also not subject to minimum wage laws or entitled to other benefits which come at the cost of the employer. Because of this, many businesses need to hire illegal immigrants to compete financially. As a result of this, a large percentage of unskilled labor is under unfit …show more content…

It results in a large impoverished population which is subject to unfit work conditions and unemployment. Some suggest that if the rate of legal immigration is increased, then there will be less illegal immigration. However, because the demographics of illegal and legal immigrants have so little overlap, their rates have little effect on each other.
However, if a process was created to allow illegal immigrants to become documented, then many of the problems that result from their presence will be mitigated. If an illegal immigrant becomes documented, then they have to be treated in accordance to labor laws, and they will have access to government programs that will give them and their children the opportunity to get an education and achieve a middle class life, which would lessen the increase in the impoverished

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