Ethical Issues In Sweatshops

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Outsourcing has long been discussed and many people blame outsourcing for job loss. However, while many jobs were actually lost due to automation, technology, and overall improved efficiencies. There hasn't been enough attention drawn to the exploitative nature of outsourcing in the many sweatshops that often lead to abusive behavior and denegation of human rights. Unfortunately, many of the household items and technology that we come to value are often created in sweatshops that not only take advantage of adult labor but often child labor as well. Many U.S. firms outsource labor or services in one form or another, however Apple has become one of the world's most valuable companies while heavily exploiting workers in sweatshops …show more content…

Apple recently has committed to improving the work conditions and even pay of workers in their outsourcing operations. However, many corporations haven't done anything and even been caught in horrible exploiting child labor. Corporations across the world have violated the ethics of this situation and ultimately need to do far more for these workers that create such value and profits for some of the largest organizations in the world. If corporations refuse to act ethically, consumers must change the behavior of these companies. Boycotting is not the answer unless consumer influence cannot change the behavior. Then as a last resort boycotting could make a difference. However, consumer education in this area is not great and this should be addressed. If more consumers know about the harm caused in these operations, they could pressure corporations to force changes in these work environments. However, I think it is hard because consumers feel their jobs were taken from these operations, but they need to be empathic towards the situation. Ultimately, a lot of harm is done in these abusive and exploitative operations and change is needed. Both corporations and consumers need to make a change, as this should be viewed

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