Ethical Issues In Social Work

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Walking into the office there is a relax, unique, and homey feel. Everyone there seems like they have one cohesive goal. That goal being putting parents on the right track to get their kids back. A social worker’s job is difficult. They work with a variety of people with many upbringings and philosophies. No case or situation is the same and that was explicit during my job shadow. It also is an emotional and ethical challenge too because as a case manager there is only so much one can do without overstepping the boundaries and precepts with impunity. They are not supposed to talk about certain information in cases because of confidentiality, which can prove to be difficult for someone like me who strives to better the people around and with me while helping those in need. I also learned that social workers do a lot more than those expect. Plus they have extremely unpredictable hours, this could prove to be a problem in the long-term if I was to work in the field but wouldn’t mind it short-term. The job is also very time-consuming especially if your caseload is full. …show more content…

During Groups, I was able to witness my supervisor's speech to the youth my age and even some adults being informed on the bad of substance abuse which only presented me another way to that I can help others and further helps a huge goal of mine and big reason I’m considering Social Work. Team meetings brought a more business-related tone while the focal point being the people. The team meeting essentially brings all those related to the client and helps find strategies to better the habits and life of while bringing them closer to retaining their

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