Ethical Issues In Criminal Justice Essay

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The United States criminal justice system is broken down into three different parts, first is the Law enforcement in the American justice system. It is responsible for upholding the law, investigating crime and apprehending the individuals responsible for committing the crime. Second, the courts in the American Justice system. The court ensures that an individual right is not violated, and a fair trail takes place. Finally, corrections in the American justice system, it ensures that a convicted offender serves his or her sentence as advised by the courts and supervises the convicts as they service their sentence. The individual in question is in the law enforcement where he supposes to protect and serve his community.
This officer belongs …show more content…

Obligation ethical styles show up when there are people who are expected to do something as their job title. In this case. Officer Pratt was expected to protect and serve the community. The release identifies that he rapes a teen girl. Key interest in relation to ethical violation is that, officers swear, to be honest, upstanding citizens. They promise to be part of the solution, not part of the problem, and above all else, they promise to follow the rules, whether they like or agree with them or not. Ethics are based on societal values, it is not difficult to discern the difference between right and wrong in nearly any situation.

The information that was given was very informative, because you want the public to be aware of what’s going on in their community. Also, their can be other victims out there that’s scared to come forward. This way you can go to the media as well as other officials of the criminal justice field. This news release outlines the importance of ethics, the story was told because they are doing something right by informing others. I know it may seem as it was a direct affect to the officer involved but he must uphold himself up as a protector for citizen of the United States. One thing that you shouldn’t have to worry about from an officer is being raped especially a child. Children have the tending to look up to officers and she was violated by this one. Her life will forever be change because of this incident that happened by a law enforcement

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