Ethical Importance Of Knowledge

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There are no specific ways humans are able to gain knowledge for we as humans develop knowledge through our time of life. Ethics may or may not play a role in limiting the strategies used in the arts and natural sciences to produce the knowledge necessary. In the naturals sciences, we need perception most of all to be able to communicate information. Art is the same, for our perception of a painting is important to process our own information and have different interpretations of it. As an example, the knowledge gained from occurrences such as Adolf Hitler becoming dictator and causing the Holocaust made a positive and negative impact in the world. It could have influenced other dictators to do the same with their people or it could have influenced other countries to prevent such a cause from occurring. Thus, the issue of should we accept ethics for the purpose of producing useful knowledge is arose.

The use of ethical standards is a necessity in order to cultivate morals in a society. We perceive the world around us through our senses. Natural science in this case is more based on research and observations. However, it can be arguable that morals of society are the biggest factor of a person’s influence of learned knowledge. We as humans are taught not to steal from others, kill others, or lie. Morals will ultimately lead to someone’s success and the stability of a society. Immanuel Kant was a German Philosopher who believed that certain types of actions were absolutely prohibited, even in cases where the action would bring about more happiness than the alternative. His Kantian Theory suggested that right and wrong is not determined by consequences but from determining if they fulfill universal duties (CSU). As an example, i...

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...m is something that should be hidden away both in art and the artist's classroom. Although this may seem at first like a mere annoyance, such people frequently attempt to stop others from viewing or learning from the human form, thereby infringing on their rights to create and consume art as they wish.” As an example, Michelangelo’s sculpture “David” is one of the most famous sculpture exposed in a galleria. While displaying forms of nudity in the artistic world may be argued unethical, art involves emotion and is a form of expression so therefore, the artist has their own interpretations or views for their own work and use their art as a way to communicate with others by sending messages to the viewers. Art as a form of knowledge lets humans be exposed to the visual gaining of knowledge. It can also challenge the mind by the interpretations and it’s actual meaning.

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