Ethical Dilemmas Of Cigarettes

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Ethical dilemmas involving harmful products have proven to be tough cases to crack. When dealing with the basic right to the freedom of expression, it can be very difficult to determine where the line should be drawn. It is common knowledge for the average person to understand the negative affects cigarettes can have on the health of a human being. But just like any other product on the shelf, they can be bought and sold legally. Cigarette companies also have the freedom to advertise their deadly products by means of magazines, newspapers, and billboards for all of America to see. This being said, it is society’s moral obligation to draw this line on the freedom of expression when it results in the harm of others. Our hypothetical dilemma hits the core of this subject, as we are asked to take a side based on ethics. In this discussion board, I will explain why accepting the contract from the tobacco company is compromising my companies’ ethical standards.

The most important argument for the unethical nature of this dilemma is the impact cigarettes have on health. According to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control …show more content…

Through both sides of the argument provide respectable viewpoints, it is safe to say that a majority of Americans view cigarettes in a negative way. This being said, is the contract with the cigarette company worth the risk of a bad reputation? This day in age, very little goes under the radar. In a small amount of time my company’s relation with a cigarette company could become mainstream news and affect the way many Americans view my company. If my company has always carefully chosen their clients and kept a very conservative list, it is unwise to change our beliefs and undermine the hard work it has taken to construct a good reputation. Though the marketing economy is declining, reputation proves to outlast one big contract with a negatively seen

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