Ethical Dilemma Case Study In Nursing

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One of my client had been put on anticoagulants upon her admission to the hospital for prophylaxis. She had a history of hypertension, COPD and pneumonia. She had been okay by the doctor for discharge. I was preparing to go on my break but wanted to take care of my client’s ten o’clock dose of Heparin. I had previously read the physicians discharge orders and saw nothing about discontinuing or sending the client home on an anticoagulant. Hearing that my client could be discharged that afternoon, I felt that maybe she did not need the Heparin anymore or it was over looked. I am not able to find any of the nurses I was working with, I spoke to the charge nurse regarding this matter. She said “she is going home soon and does not need it …show more content…

I decided not to give the shot based on facts that my clients was up moving around, she was doing exercise to improve blood flow and what the charge has said to me. I still had feeling that I was missing important steps. Feeling unsure about not giving the client her injection or having spoken to her about, I followed up about contacting the physician just to clarify the situation. I was not comfortable about the decision I made and felt confused about conflicting information I had been given by the charge nurse. In the end I explain to my client that she had not prescription for anticoagulant to go home with and if she still wanted to take the shot. My clients was a nurse for 35 years, so she had an in-depth understanding of the purpose and action of the anticoagulant she was taking. She explained that she was much more mobile and would like to decline the injection. Although I honored what the client wanted and knowing she likely did not neeed the injeciont I still felt that from my own understanding the right thing to do want to make sure I have physicians order to discontinue the drug. I shared this situation with a fourth year nurse whom this was her client and would be taking over her carefully …show more content…

I understand that they have the experience and knowledge to make decision that students do not, but I feel confused about where the line is sometimes. Another example was with the same clients and it had to do with discontinuing her saline lock. My understanding is that we cannot take out an IV without an order, but the RN in charge of my client said that she felt it was ok and she would do it without the order. I feel the lines are blurry about what we can and can’t do. I don’t want to miss out on an opportunity to learn, but I don’t want to develop habits at this time that is not best practices. I want to develop the best practices as a student and when I am an RN I will then be in a position to make those types of calls. I just don’t feel I have the knowledge or understanding about where I can deviate from the best practices that we are being taught. I recognize that RNs have and will make decision, I just don’t know where and what those are

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