Ethical Dilemm Deciding To Cheat

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Ethical Dilemma – Deciding to Cheat
Being a college student I almost always want to get good grades, write outstanding papers, and get accepted into the most competitive companies to work for. All of that comes with a price; hard work, studying almost every night, completing all homework assignments, getting good grades, and passing all quizzes and exams with good grades as well.
Although this is ideal, it can be very frustrating, stressful, and overwhelming to a person causing them to look for outlets such as the situation at hand to help the m succeed at success. I also wanted to get a good grade on the assignment, I knew most of my friends and others were paying advanced college students to do the work for them, and I immediately wanted to follow them and do the same thing although I knew it was wrong. …show more content…

No matter how the situation would have turned out I would have never been able to say all my hard work paid off, I did this, and I got this excellent grade on my own maybe with some tutoring! I didn’t feel right about the choice I made because it was wrong and also plagiarism. I surely don’t want “plagiarism” to be ever named among me and nor would any of my friends!
On the other hand dealing with cheating in an organization can be just as stressful. There are many technical procedural ways to prevent cheating in an organization one of which is to encourage your participants to choose not to cheat. Encouraging your participants to take the test fairly and honestly by reducing their motive to cheat will reduce cheating overall. There are other ways to avoid minimize cheating in an organization by being fair, prevent too much creativity, put the honor code in place, and develop

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