Ethical Decision Making Case Study

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STEPS OF THE ETHICAL DECISION MAKING PRACTICE  Assemble the facts  Define the ethical issues  Identify the affected parties i.e., the stakeholders  Identify the consequences  Identify the obligations i.e., principles, rights, justice  Consider your character and integrity  Think creatively the about potential actions  Check your gut  Decide on the proper ethical action and be organized to deal with contrasting argument. 1) ASSEMBLE THE FACTS  Don’t jump to conclusions without the data  Questions to ask: what, where, when, who, how, and why.  However, data may be difficult to find because of the uncertainties often found around ethical issues  Some facts are not available  Assemble as many facts as possible before happening  simplify what assumptions you are making! 2) DEFINE THE ETHICAL ISSUES  Don’t bound to solutions without first identifying the ethical issues in the circumstances.  Define the ethical base for the issue you want to focus on.  There may be a multiple ethical issues - focus on one major one at a time. 3 )IDENTIFY THE AFFECTED PARTIES  Identify all of the stakeholders  Who all are the primary or direct stakeholders?  Who all are the secondary or non direct stakeholders?  Perspective taking :- make an effort to see things through the eyes of those persons affected.  Why are they stakeholders for the concern? 4) IDENTIFY THE CONSEQUENCES  Think about prospective positive and negative consequences for affected parties by the decision i.e., Focus on primary stakeholders to simplify analysis until you become comfortable with the process.  What are the level of the consequences and the possibility that the consequences will happen.  Shor... ... middle of paper ... ...mary parties involved in the situation. 8) CHECK YOUR GUT  Even though the prior steps have argued for a highly rational process, it is always good to “check your gut.”  Intuition is gaining credibility as a source for good decision making – knowing something is not “right.”  Particularly applicable if you have a lot of experience in the area – expert decision-making. 9)DECIDE ON YOUR COURSE OF ACTION AND PREPARE RESPONSES TO THOSE WHO MAY OPPOSE YOUR POSITION  Consider potential actions based on the consequences, obligations, and character approaches  Do you come up with comparable answers from the different perspectives?  Do the obligation and character help you “check”the consequentiality preferred action?  How can you protect the rights of those involved (or your own character) while still maximizing the overall good for all of the stakeholders?

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