Estrin Levine's Conversation Model Paper

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Concrete Upon arriving at the Dreiling Schmidt Cancer Institute, I met my nurse on the radiation oncology side of the center. She orientated me to the floor and introduced me to the rest of the staff members. The morning started off slow for the nurse, because a new patient that was originally scheduled for 0800 was put on hold due to the individual’s blood count being abnormal. The next patient wasn’t until 1100, so we had some good conversations about nursing and radiation. The nurse explained her role on the floor and showed the charting method the center uses. She also asked me questions about nursing to test my knowledge and then explained reasoning behind the answers. She was a very educational nurse and taught me a lot about radiation …show more content…

As mentioned in Understanding the Works of Nurse Theorist, “The core concept of Levine’s theory is conservation. When a person is in a state of conservation, it means that individual adaptive responses confront change productively, and with the least expenditure of effort, while preserving optimal function and identity” (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2017, p. 69-70). The adaptive responses can occur at many different levels, but to ensure that the patient doesn’t waste to much energy or get worn down trying to adaptive to changes, four principles of conservation are used: the energy of the individual, the structural integrity of the individual, personal integrity, and social integrity of the individual (p. 71). The over all goal of the conservation is to maintain optimal health (p. 71). Because cancer patients are going through a lot during this time of their life, it is important as the nurse to remember how vulnerable they are because of the disease. “A person who provides nursing care bears a heavy debt of responsibility when entering into another person’s life during vulnerable times when illness has caused temporary dependency” (p. 71). I tried my best to keep an opening mind to what they were going through, and how hard is for them to adapative to this new situation or changing

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