Establishment Clause Advantages

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The first amendment is the most important amendment in the United States Constitution. It gives great power and opportunity to the people of the United States. One of the main focuses drawn by the people is the ability to practice the religion that they so desire. The first amendment allows religion to exist due to the establishment clause and the free exercise clause. Both clauses are important and necessary for continous survival of religion. However, not all clauses are created equal. While many would argue that the free exercise clause holds a greater importance in the constitution, evidence suggests that the establishment clause is far more superior because it hinders a religion from dominating the country, it prevents the government from being biased, and it helps individuals who are not religious avoid being involved in the funding of religion as a whole. Now, before beginning, a good understanding of the two clauses is necessary in order to understand why the establishment clause is greater. Firstly, the free exercise clause according to David M. Wagner, a scholar for …show more content…

An article from the National Paralegal College states that the US government is prohibited from “passing laws which specifically aid one religion or aid religions generally.” This disallows the government to place certain types of religions over others. Without the establishment clause, politicians would have free reign over the destiny of religion. Political candidates would surely use it to their advantage to get more voters and advertising religion would just become another political tactic. Again, the free exercise is great that it even allows religion to exist, but there are no restrictions the the amount of control the government has over it.Because of the establishment clause, religion is not susceptible of favoritism from specific types of

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