Essential Facts About Eating Disorders Essay

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Essential Facts About Eating Disorders
As people are becoming more overweight than ever before, society is placing higher value on a thin, fit physique. Consequently, almost everyone is concerned about their weight and body image. Some people take matters to extremes, to the point where unhealthy eating behaviors threaten their health and cause psychiatric problems.

When people focus too much on body shape, it can lead to dangerous behaviors which prevent the body from getting enough nutrition. Eating disorders lead to a wide variety of health problems that harm the digestive system and the heart or lead to diseases like hypertension and diabetes.

There are many different types of eating disorders, but the three most common ones are anorexia, …show more content…

Bulimia can be mild, moderate, severe or extreme, depending on the frequency of binge-purge cycles the patient has per week. About 1 to 4% of females will develop bulimia during their life. The number is much less common in males. Vomiting and laxatives create electrolyte imbalance that hinders the function of the heart. In some cases, heart attacks and death can occur. Bulimia can also cause fatigue, seizures and high blood pressure.

Binge-eating disorder questions

What causes binge-eating disorder (BED)?
The exact cause is not known, but there are some known contributing risk factors. Some biological factors such as hormonal irregularities and genetic factors may contribute to compulsive eating or food addiction. Depression is associated with binge eating in many cases, as are low self-esteem and difficulty managing emotions. People who are bullied about their weight are at higher risk to develop binge eating disorder.

What are signs and symptoms of binge-eating disorder?
People with the disorder usually conceal their bingeing, but there are some signs to look for, such as:

Uncomfortable eating around others or in public Stealing or hoarding food in unusual places Withdrawal from social

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