Essay Suppose Your 21 Year Old Child

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Question: Suppose your 21 year old child or best friend came to you and asked the question, "How do you know if you are ready for marriage?" How would you respond? If it will help, you may interview two other people and list their answers in your paper. As you consider the factors predicting marital success, look at your own past relationships. What factors, such as background, personality characteristics, and relationship characteristics, might have predicted the quality of your relationship? Were any particular characteristics especially important for you? Why?

If my child came up to me and asked how you knew you were ready for marriage? I would tell them that you love the other person more than yourself. They become your whole world and you wouldn’t want to change anything about them. I would tell them about the time that I asked my mother the same question. She replied with the answer I will never forget. When you love someone so much. That you are willing to accept them, for the good and bad.
The factors for a successful marriage and different for everyone. Some people say …show more content…

Our backgrounds were pretty similar. We both came from households with a lot of kids. Comparing our personalities we couldn’t be more opposite. She was more outgoing and had a very bubbly personality. While I was more of a person that liked to observe the party than be the center of it. In the relationship we didn’t communicate well at all. We didn’t express what we wanted from a romantic partner to the other. We just guessed at what the other wanted. Our quality of relationship was poor. We basically were both insecure and that affected our relationship greatly. We would only express how badly we felt about ourselves to the other person. Trying to find some peace and reassurance that the other person still loved the other. That our insecurities got to both of us too much of the time. That is what caused our relationship to not

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