Essay Outline: Commodity Chain Of Adult Movies

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Outline: Commodity Chain of Adult films

• Production ○ Gender production
Pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry that produced, sold and consumed mainly by men. Many feminist has taken a definite stance on porn, splitting between the two opposing positions of pro or anti. Regarding gender, women throughout the commodity chain of pornography have been for the most part neglected. Besides the main acting role, women are under-represented in all positions in the industry. The male demographic is catered to, with the ladies being constantly objectified. However, today across the commodity chain, there are growing numbers of women in the pornography working beyond the just role of adult actresses. § …show more content…

Historically shunning women from consuming it and those who did were considered "sleazy" or a "sexual deviant. " Because of the longstanding mistreatment and ostracism of women, radical feminist has rallied against pornography, and liberal feminists are pro-pornography so that that porn can be a sexual liberating for females. However, the reality is that women, in general, are more ambivalent to the idea pornography. When women were asked about it, some enjoyed just as men did, others critiqued the emotional authenticity of the actress and desired greater authenticity. However, that was difficult to measure, because of the consumer's idea of emotional authenticity is based on their own experience. Women consumer do enjoy "women-centered" pornography when it is available, but there is very little to access. Also, this study of women consumer has shown that there is very little empirical data on it, while there are increasingly more women consuming pornography. The research that has been conducted shows women do not strictly fall into the two traditional feminist theories of anti and pro, but more so along a diverse spectrum of ambivalence between the

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